Golden Hearts

This is gonna be short. My level of sleepiness is adversely affecting my cognizance.

Alright! A lot of us believe we have hearts of pure gold and well… there are some of us that just don’t and are proud. This is for the golden hearts out there. I just want to know…..Is your heart really as pure as you want people to believe?

Speaking from experience here, with myself and other people I’ve observed. There is literally no way anyone can be all good all the time. We just don’t have that ability naturally and no, I’m not saying we’re all bad either. I’m saying that we need to be real with ourselves. I’ve heard countless people describe themselves as “a good person” and I always wonder what on earth that means. I usually assume they mean good as in not doing anything bad, this is in relation to their actions. And actions are fine but that’s not all there is to goodness, right?

As much as what we do is important, I know for certain that what we do….doesn’t necessarily define who we really are. Don’t you know any accountants that want to be a singer? Or Mechanics that want to be a lawyer? Do you always act out what you’re thinking? Let’s just say I don’t like ice cream but a friend of mine brings me some and I accept it…and let’s assume someone else comes and sees me eating it. Me not saying anything and the two people that witness me eating the ice cream may lead them to assume that I probably like ice cream right? But do I? No. So then what I am doing….doesn’t necessarily represent who I am in this case. So here is the connection, it is proven that we don’t always act on or say what we think…so don’t fight it but we can’t make a judgement about someone’s heart based on their actions. We can’t even do it based on our own actions and that’s basically what we do. We categorize ourselves as good because…well….we don’t DO or SAY bad or we just DO or SAY good. My point is, doing and saying is not everything. It is what is in your heart that matters.

Perhaps it would be better to say that we ourselves are gold plated 😀 and be a bit more realistic about what our insides look like. The only way I know for sure that you can truly have a genuine heart is from knowing THE one with THE MOST genuine heart ever. He is Jesus. I’m not saying everyone who doesn’t know Jesus is bad and that everyone that does is good….at all. I dare you though….If you want to see the different or rather…feel the difference, try Him. 😉

:-/ Bye bye. Totally should be sleeping. Have an exam in the morning 😥 Much prayers are needed.

NB: I thought this was going to be shorter….but meh…I ramble lol

Making It Last

I would just like to ask that we all take some time to think about all the disputes that really were not necessary between yourself and someone you love. (Even if it isn’t someone you love but anyone in general, relationships that are not as intimate also count because we sometimes mess up things before they can even form.) Think about it….how many relationships have we just given up on because the person just was not like what you expect…or like you. How many times has that happened to you? When someone expects that you submit to being who they want you to be? So many times we find ourselves showing our fear of differences in people by how we treat each other. Our relationships with others are not always going to be happy times and that’s normal…(just in case you didn’t know) but the rough patches are tests that we all have to go through together to be able to grow.

Relationships of all kinds die due to differences and still do not survive only because of similarities but they survive because of sacrifice, understanding and willingness to give even if they are unable to receive. It has to do with the revelation of the true meaning of love. This may not be all to it, I don’t claim to know but I have experienced and seen many friendships and families and even romantic relationships go to waste over simple differences; differences in views and stubbornness. It may be because I expect this person; my father or mother, best friend, boyfriend or class mate, whoever it is, to align perfectly with what I believe they should be as a friend or who ever and truly, that’s usually the case with me…I do not deny it, it stems out of my wants and expectations of that person. Well….that’s foolishness :/ all people have their “ways” and imperfections but being able to help each other out of what is not good for them and allowing them to so the same is why relationships grow genuinely strong and long, being able to still see the beauty in our fellowmen, to see that he/she is God’s child…imperfect just as I AM. Differences will arise but that is quite fine and sometimes after all, it may not be possible for  us to see eye to eye and may even have to part ways but bitterness, hate, slander and wickedness should not be the outcome of that. There are important people that we let walk out of our lives for stupid reasons.

She says it’s time to grow up people >.<

Who Am I Really?

So lately I have been wondering a bit…..who exactly am I? Or more importantly, who do I want to be? As I write this even now, some things are making so much more sense to me. I have been wondering about my talents, skills and abilities….the things I love to do and the things I should be doing, I have also been looking at people around me that seem so focused, so figured out and I am here.

Well to be honest, I believed I had past this stage already but I realise now that I haven’t. I do know what my skills and abilities are….and my talents etc. I know what I want to do with them….where they can take me and where they won’t take me but the problem spins further than that. As I look at some of my friends and notice their titles…Drummer, Singer, Poet, Writer..and so on, I really ask myself…what is my title?

Growing up, I have always know that I could be whatever I wanted. There was nothing anywhere that could stop me from doing the things I loved. Now, I just feel like I haven’t conquered anything. I feel like I should just give up everything but then thinking about it….they all got to the places where they are…by persistence. They worked to achieve their title and so will I.

I know what I love and I will be known for doing what I love, even if I love doing a lot of things. My focus also, shouldn’t be on being known for doing things but I should simply focus on doing them. That’s all.

Who am I really? I am who God has made me to be. I am who He says I am, I am heading towards my goal of being who I want to be. I see that I have to encourage myself and work hard to get to places…or else I’ll end up being a jack of all trades and a master of none. That is something I don’t want at all, so I press! I can’t be who other people are and most times it’s because my me-ness is too big into their little their-ness box. I will be as boundless as I am allowed lol…..if that makes any sense.