Making It Last

I would just like to ask that we all take some time to think about all the disputes that really were not necessary between yourself and someone you love. (Even if it isn’t someone you love but anyone in general, relationships that are not as intimate also count because we sometimes mess up things before they can even form.) Think about it….how many relationships have we just given up on because the person just was not like what you expect…or like you. How many times has that happened to you? When someone expects that you submit to being who they want you to be? So many times we find ourselves showing our fear of differences in people by how we treat each other. Our relationships with others are not always going to be happy times and that’s normal…(just in case you didn’t know) but the rough patches are tests that we all have to go through together to be able to grow.

Relationships of all kinds die due to differences and still do not survive only because of similarities but they survive because of sacrifice, understanding and willingness to give even if they are unable to receive. It has to do with the revelation of the true meaning of love. This may not be all to it, I don’t claim to know but I have experienced and seen many friendships and families and even romantic relationships go to waste over simple differences; differences in views and stubbornness. It may be because I expect this person; my father or mother, best friend, boyfriend or class mate, whoever it is, to align perfectly with what I believe they should be as a friend or who ever and truly, that’s usually the case with me…I do not deny it, it stems out of my wants and expectations of that person. Well….that’s foolishness :/ all people have their “ways” and imperfections but being able to help each other out of what is not good for them and allowing them to so the same is why relationships grow genuinely strong and long, being able to still see the beauty in our fellowmen, to see that he/she is God’s child…imperfect just as I AM. Differences will arise but that is quite fine and sometimes after all, it may not be possible for  us to see eye to eye and may even have to part ways but bitterness, hate, slander and wickedness should not be the outcome of that. There are important people that we let walk out of our lives for stupid reasons.

She says it’s time to grow up people >.<

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