Who Am I Really?

So lately I have been wondering a bit…..who exactly am I? Or more importantly, who do I want to be? As I write this even now, some things are making so much more sense to me. I have been wondering about my talents, skills and abilities….the things I love to do and the things I should be doing, I have also been looking at people around me that seem so focused, so figured out and I am here.

Well to be honest, I believed I had past this stage already but I realise now that I haven’t. I do know what my skills and abilities are….and my talents etc. I know what I want to do with them….where they can take me and where they won’t take me but the problem spins further than that. As I look at some of my friends and notice their titles…Drummer, Singer, Poet, Writer..and so on, I really ask myself…what is my title?

Growing up, I have always know that I could be whatever I wanted. There was nothing anywhere that could stop me from doing the things I loved. Now, I just feel like I haven’t conquered anything. I feel like I should just give up everything but then thinking about it….they all got to the places where they are…by persistence. They worked to achieve their title and so will I.

I know what I love and I will be known for doing what I love, even if I love doing a lot of things. My focus also, shouldn’t be on being known for doing things but I should simply focus on doing them. That’s all.

Who am I really? I am who God has made me to be. I am who He says I am, I am heading towards my goal of being who I want to be. I see that I have to encourage myself and work hard to get to places…or else I’ll end up being a jack of all trades and a master of none. That is something I don’t want at all, so I press! I can’t be who other people are and most times it’s because my me-ness is too big into their little their-ness box. I will be as boundless as I am allowed lol…..if that makes any sense.

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