It’s Been A While!

Hi everyone! I officially blame my best friend and my busy schedule for the months that I have not been on here. I do really apologize though for my absence. 

Anyways….this year has set up itself to be a very busy one for me. I am looking forward to it’s end and hope that everything between now and then runs smoothly. A lot of the things I have set out to do this year are “ministry” oriented, i.e. these things I do for God, in His honour. Then there is school and other lame time consuming stuff. Just last week though I got a reminder from the Lord about all these things I’m a part of. You see….when I was younger I saw my church for what it was, a place full and overflowing with lazy people that just like calling God’s name in vain. That frustrated me from a young age and so I decided that I was going to dedicate my life to God’s service. Do things how they should be done, I am willing, I have the energy, so why not? No one else wanted to. Still too barely anyone likes addressing issues in church or volunteering to do the hard work. Not only in church but anywhere where there is responsibility.

That being said…..the Lord reminded me that that was why I decided to do what I’m doing. I have the ability to do it and He has given me the gifts so I’m using it. He reminded me that who I am now is almost exactly who I wanted to be. Someone who dedicated their life and time to doing what God would have them do. As tiring as it is and as difficult as it may seem, I am able through Christ. The end. So my question to you all is….why? Why are you doing the things you are doing? Why do you have the job you have? Why did you choose the path you are on? Remember why and let that give you motivation to move forward. Even if your reasons didn’t make much sense…EVERY situation is an opportunity to learn something.

Anyways! I am back! LOL…..Will write as much as I can. Much love you guyses! See you soon.

Who Am I Really?

So lately I have been wondering a bit…..who exactly am I? Or more importantly, who do I want to be? As I write this even now, some things are making so much more sense to me. I have been wondering about my talents, skills and abilities….the things I love to do and the things I should be doing, I have also been looking at people around me that seem so focused, so figured out and I am here.

Well to be honest, I believed I had past this stage already but I realise now that I haven’t. I do know what my skills and abilities are….and my talents etc. I know what I want to do with them….where they can take me and where they won’t take me but the problem spins further than that. As I look at some of my friends and notice their titles…Drummer, Singer, Poet, Writer..and so on, I really ask myself…what is my title?

Growing up, I have always know that I could be whatever I wanted. There was nothing anywhere that could stop me from doing the things I loved. Now, I just feel like I haven’t conquered anything. I feel like I should just give up everything but then thinking about it….they all got to the places where they are…by persistence. They worked to achieve their title and so will I.

I know what I love and I will be known for doing what I love, even if I love doing a lot of things. My focus also, shouldn’t be on being known for doing things but I should simply focus on doing them. That’s all.

Who am I really? I am who God has made me to be. I am who He says I am, I am heading towards my goal of being who I want to be. I see that I have to encourage myself and work hard to get to places…or else I’ll end up being a jack of all trades and a master of none. That is something I don’t want at all, so I press! I can’t be who other people are and most times it’s because my me-ness is too big into their little their-ness box. I will be as boundless as I am allowed lol…..if that makes any sense.