Diaries of a Miscommunicator: Burning Eyes and a Running Nose

Here I am, keeping my promises and bringing you another part to this story. You should read the first blog of this series to catch on if you are just joining. Here is a link to it: http://wp.me/p3FLL1-JI

Coming to think of it, I really would take comfort in knowing I am not the only person that has to face these things but it seems like I am and that only adds to the frustration. It’s like no one understands and so yes it’s difficult to escape this issue of “miscommunication” but I am also responsible for my actions 🙂 (it’s one of the perks of ‘adulthood’) so you can only expect so much sympathy from others. Many times because of how frustrating it is, I’ve found myself in tears and trust me, tears don’t come easily on my end.You know when something happened when you were younger and you’re in so much pain you just don’t know what to do with yourself? You’re crying but you want to stop so in an attempt to do that you ironically cry more…way more. You’re there trying to catch your breath while you weep uncontrollably which is not just counterproductive, it’s even more frustrating. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? Well yes, this communication thing throws me all the way back into childhood because it is hard. I mean really.

For example, I have been working on my methods of communication or lack thereof for quite some time and there are those who can testify to my changed ‘lifestyle’ 😀 but because I am not close to a lot of people, when someone who is new comes along and attempts to get into the ‘SheSays’ circle, then they’ll simply get all of me. However, unlike John Legend, some people completely disregard the “perfect imperfections” aspect of this beautiful song of a relationship type of new thing we have going on. So here is what happens, we’d be fine until they realize that I either don’t like to talk and they want me to OR I say something that seems harsh which hurts their feelings and when this happens and conflict arises but note that I am already trying my best. Now of course this person would proceed to teach me about how important it is to watch what you say and how you say it and so on and enlighten me on all my short comings which is something that someone else (God bless them) has already done.

While all of this is happening I am just reminded of how difficult I am and how unkind I must be to say what I say. I feel trapped by my inability to change my unbearable ways over night and have to deal with the harsh reality that not a lot of people are close enough to see my changes and just stomach other people’s reception and responses of and to me. That means that any response I give that is similar to how I usually would respond is attacked (it feels like an attack so that is what I am calling it) at some point regardless of my progress because as I said, not everyone can see it. My head by now is pounding and this whole issue turns into a sickening cycle which goes: “I need to change how I communicate” > “Ok, I’m trying” > “Geez, I made a mistake again” > “Gosh….I need to change how I communicate”. And by then, I want to pull my hair out.

I have come to realize though that my solitary attempts to better my communication skills are futile and so I have opted to do it in solidarity instead with God to help because trust me, He alone has the answers needed to help me to grow out of this, He is all-knowing and ever patient and that is what I need and also with the support of the vast (<- Funny) number of people who are there for me.

So with my burning eyes and a running nose, battered and bruised as a result of these issues I face I would curl up, as the child mentioned earlier would do in their parent's arms, in God's arms and sniff sniffle while I await His guidance while I have my one or two cheer leaders to cheer me up and on.

And that's that guys….next one is Diaries of a Miscommunicator: Family Drama


What if, right now, Christ were to walk into this room

My eyes wet and red

Heart heavy and hollow

Right now, with my

Imperfections sectioned out on the table

Accumulating because I am unable

To crop and delete them

Nip and tuck them

Or Make up them

What if, right now, Christ were to walk into this room ?

As I sniff sniff up my running emotions

Midway through me sweaping up

My flaking fears

Exposing my misplaced cares

With my heart…the heart he gave me

Laying on the floor

Accidentally breaking it some more

Would He shun me?

Pity me?

Hold me?

Judge me?

Would he deem my heart unfixable

And my imperfections unforgetable?

Or can I be mended

Can the cycle be ended?

Would He shun me?

or Love me

Or hug me

or point out exactly

all that is ungodly with no remedy

Would he care to even stay

See all that and love me anyway?

What if Christ were to walk into this room?

Does His heart have room

To hold all this burden

If I were to give Him my burdens ?

Would He understand?

Would He take my hand

Escort me to a new room of peace

Where the noise of pain would cease ?

If Christ….were to walk into this room

I would gaze into His eyes

And there would lie


And love

If His steps were to lead Him here

My room would be clean

I would be stable


What if Christ was always in this room

And I just didn’t see Him there?

What if I was in too much pain to care?

From My Fragile Little Roller Coaster Heart

My eyes are wet with tears

My heart is heavy with fears

Thoughts flood my mind each day 

Yet there’s so little I could say 

I should have stopped it from the start

I should have saved my fragile little roller coaster heart

There is a world of hurt that I bare

Only with that one who truly cares

Many wounds to be healed 

Many yet to be revealed 

But my fingers must grace my lips 

Nothing must slip 

Expect the worst, you’ll never have another terrible surprise

Expect the best and your heart will lay next to a bed of lies 

But I 

I should have stopped it from the start

I could have saved my fragile little roller coaster heart 

Clear my mind, ease my stomach

Soon I will lay on havoc 


Forgiveness and Justice

When someone hurts you or when some someone does you harm…what are you to do? Are you to hold a grudge against that person until thy kingdom come? I think not….Forgiveness is “to cease to feel resentment against an offender.” What we have to do is let go of that which is hurting us. Matthew 6:14 says For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Forgiveness is necessary.

However, when someone does you wrong or does you harm then do they get away because you have to forgive them? Nope! Justice is ‘the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments” God says “It is mine to avenge; I will repay” and in Psalms 105:15 it says “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”

What I want to point out though is that forgiveness doesn’t negate the justice you deserve. Forgiveness is something that helps you…it is for your heart’s sake…not theirs. So many times we say “no Lord….don’t do that…I forgave them” lol My dear! God is a JUST God…and they are his children whom He chastises and has all right to discipline…YOU are also His child who He must protect and take care of. Bible clearly shows and tells us that we are not more righteous than God…so if he wants to do something…ease Him up.
Also, Justice does not negate forgiveness….just because the other person has done something wrong and you know that they are wrong and need to be dealt with, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to forgive them.
Really and truly your business is to forgive and let go….leave it in God’s hands. Don’t stress….you should know by now that God can deal with anything and anyone. Be at peace. Forgive.

Beauty Is Not Pain

This is something I wrote earlier this year, I posted it on facebook and I felt like I should share it with you all.

“…..No, this is not gonna rhyme lol I just dont fancy paragraphs rite now lol

Get up in the morning at sunrise and tell me how painful it is to look upon the hues in the sky
Go to a beach and experience the agonizing sound of waves gently greeting the shore
Let the dreadfully soothing wind beat upon your skin
Look at yourself and smile….
Every child is born beautiful and perhaps that beauty does not fade but is erased
Somehow as we make our faces into palettes,
As we cut and pluck away every strand of our identity….
Sometimes we draw the very life out of our inherent masterpiece
And no…..it is not painful to be you
Beauty is not “pain”
We say we want to enhance
And end up repainting the entire picture, enduring a painful process to do so
Amazingly God can still recognize us
And He still recognizes us as beautiful because He sees beyond what we have become….
He is in love with who we are….who He made us to be
and that is…..beautiful.
It doesn’t matter if we have scars inside or out.
We may cut our hair or extend it or straighten it
We may want to improve our appearance
We may push up and press ourselves to “fitness”
But remember to start and end with an understanding you already are beautiful
And you didn’t have to do one thing to be that way….
Just the way you are
So the next time the wax or chemical burns
When the flat iron touches you
When the weave too tight….
Try to find another excuse to endure that pain

And ummm with all the maintenance of our outer beauty, let us not neglect our inner beauty
Some of us can be spiritually and emotionally hideous at times…

Hope this made sense….”